Annotated Summary Draft 1

As stated on The Guardian website (2018), Jon Henly, cycling using mobile phones is to be officially prohibited in Netherland due to safety concerns. The article states that the law was needed due to the arrival of social media and unlimited mobile data “had changed how people used smartphones and the time they spent on them”. It also states that Netherland has estimated around 22.5 million bikes which is more than its people which estimated around 17 million and almost a quarter of its population cycles every day which lead in 12% increase in cycle use since 2005.

Henly states that pedestrians are also "at risk when using their mobile phones near cyclist" and cycling accidents involving mobile phones have become growingly common, especially among young people. According to the article, one-fifth of bike accidents involved people aged 12 to 25 years using smartphones. A polling opinion was made and it shows that 75% of the Dutch population believe that the use of mobile phones on bikes should be banned as the majority claim that they “witnessed dangerous situations involving cyclists and smartphones”. The article also provides a perspective view from a local who lost his son due to a bike accident and was delighted with the proposed change.  In a nutshell, I agree with the article that smartphones can be dangerous when it is not used wisely but it also can be a useful tool such that it can be used as a GPS for cyclist to arrive at their desired destination quickly and safely.


Henley, J. (2018, September 27). Dutch cyclists face mobile phone ban. Retrieved from


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